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Forum in 2018
Mar.7.2019 KIP Alumni Talk "The New Technology Changing the Global Automotive Industry---Current and Future Status of the 'C.A.S.E.'---"
By Mr. Takashi Nakatsuru, a member of KIP Alumni
For a KIP Alumni Talk in March, we invited Mr. Takashi Nakatsuru, who is a member of KIP Alumni. The title of his lecture was "The New Technology Changing the Global Automotive Industry---Current and Future Status of the 'C.A.S.E.'---." He talked about various topics, such as global automotive industry, electric vehicles, autonomous cars, and the relationship between cars and rural areas in Japan. More

Jan.17.2019 KIP Alumni Talk “Anonymous or real name? Dilemma of journalists”
By Mr. Keisuke Matsuo, a member of KIP Alumni
In January Alumni Talk, we invited Keisuke Matsuo, who is a reporter on social issues for Press Bureau, NHK. Whether news is reported anonymously or with a real name is determined by a possibility of accidents or criminality, and also many elements like the age of a victim. But it's difficult to know that these kinds of ”care” is really meaningful to the persons involved, he said.
Nov.27.2018 KIP Forum "What I learned from Rockefeller 5th generation - Family company saves Japan (rural area)"
By Mr. Yutaka Aiyama, Representative of Nagatacho Family Office , Representative Director of NPO Japan Family Office Association
We held our December Forum on the subject of “What I learned from Rockefeller 5th generation - Family company saves Japan (rural area)”. More

Oct.31.2018 KIP Forum "A meaning of a World Heritage Sites and the situation in Japan"
The subject of the November Forum was "A meaning of a World Heritage Sites and the situation in Japan”. Hearing a lecture from a speaker, we had a discussion about this theme.
Oct.20.2018 KIP Forum "Japanese Social Welfare System and Ourselves"
By Mr. Fukazawa, the Sub Manager of MS&AD InterRisk Research & Consulting, Inc.
October forum was held. This time, we invited Mr. Fukazawa, MS&AD InterRisk Research & Consulting, Inc., who has much knowledge of pension and insurance. He talked about the pension system in Japan and its current condition. University students usually do not know the pension system well, so this forum was a good opportunity to learn it. After the speech, we had a discussion time on the topic, “Should the burden of public pension be lightened for promoting private pension?” More
Oct.4.2018 KIP Alumni Talk "Experience and Business Views Acquired through Investment of Venture Enterprises in Southeast Asia"
By Mr. Hirota Ryusuke, a member of KIP Alumni
October Alumni Talk was held. We invited Mr. Hirota, who is on investment and support business at venture capital fund in Southeast Asian countries. The title of the lecture is "Experience and Business Views Acquired through Investment of Venture Enterprises in Southeast Asia." He talked about startup, venture capital, and current state of Southeast Asian market and career of self. More
Jul.7.2018 KIP Alumni Talk "The Significance of Working in International Financial Market"
By Mr. Takizuka Yasutaka, a member of KIP Alumni
July forum was held. This month, we welcomed Mr. Takizuka who is a member of KIP Alumni. The title of his lecture was “The Significance of Working in International Financial Market”. Mr. Takizuka taught us the experiences in his career and the lessons learnt through it. After the speech, we held a group discussion titled “What We Should Learn Besides University Classes for Our Future Career”. More
May.8.2018 KIP Forum "Significance of the Linear Central Shinkansen and the Role of the Tokaido Shinkansen"
By Mr. Koji Kumekawa, Central Japan Railway Company, Public Relations Department, Tokyo Public Relations Office.
May forum was held. This time, we invited Mr. Koji Kumekawa, Public Relations Department Tokyo, Public Relations Office of Central Japan Railway Company. The title of the lecture was "The Role of Tokaido Shinkansen and Significance of the Linear Central Shinkansen." The lecture had three important viewpoints, which were "the challenge of the linear," "increasing the competitiveness of the Tokaido Shinkansen" and "beginning and mission of Central Japan Railway." Mr.Kumekawa mentioned what kind of changes the Linear Central Shinkansen and Tokaido Shinkansen will bring to Japan in the future. More
Apr.7.2018 KIP Forum “Nissan Intelligent Mobility Vision”
By Mr. Daniele Schillaci, Executive Vice President of Nissan
Forum in April. We invited Mr. Daniele Schillaci, Executive Vice President of Nissan, and we learned about the role of car industry and future style from three aspects: “reality of the car industry”, “the future of car industry”, and “the problems of Japanese society.” After that, we had discussion about “Do you think car ownership desire by the youth will be lost or not in the future?” More