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Forum & Alumni Talk
February KIP Forum
"Digital Government in Other Countries and Japan's Efforts"
date: 22/2/2025
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January KIP Forum
"SNS and Youth: The Merits and Demerits of SNS from the 2024 Elections"
date: 12/1/2025
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November KIP Forum
"Behind the Scenes: The Future of Entertainment"
date: 9/11/2024
lecturer: Ms.Urmila Venugopalan
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October KIP Forum
"Future International Situation through the Ukraine-Russia War: What Japan Can Do"
date: 19/10/2024
lecturer: Mr. Hiroshi Hashimoto
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September KIP Forum
"Energy Geopolitics in a Pacific Century: The Trilemma framework and Japan's path forward"
date: 21/9/2024
lecturer: Mr. Hunter McDonald
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August KIP Forum
"Mathematical Models of Infectious Diseases and Pandemics"
date: 10/8/2024
lecturer: Mr. Akira Endo
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July KIP Forum
"Emergency medical care in real and how the remote medicine should be"
date: 13/7/2024
lecturer: Mr. Toshio Chiba
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June KIP Forum
"‘Political and Economic Situation in Hong Kong and Asia’ & ‘Working Abroad’"
date: 30/6/2024
lecturer: Mr. Hidenori Yui
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May KIP Forum
"Japan's 'Free and Open Indo-Pacific'Policy"
date: 25/5/2024
lecturer: Mr. Noriyuki Shikata
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April KIP Forum
"Is Japan a barbaric country? Culture and environmental protection"
date: 21/4/2024
lecturer: Ms.Rina Keboushi, The University of Tokyo Faculty of Agriculture
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March KIP Forum
"The Governance Structure of Japan"
date: 23/3/2024
lecturer: Mr. Tetsuro Tada, KIP Alumni
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New Year KIP Forum
"Should Japanese universities make graduation more difficult?"
date: 6/1/2024
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December KIP Event
"KIP Discussion Event"
date: 26/12/2023
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Nobember KIP Forum
"Educational Opportunities and DEI in U.S. Universities"
date: 18/11/2023
lecturer: Mr. Koichi Ito
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July KIP Forum
"The Artemis Program: Plans to Return to the Moon"
date: 1/07/2023
lecturer: Mr. Garvey McIntosh
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May KIP Forum
"Post-Ukraine: What Will Happen to the World, What Will Happen to Japan?"
date: 21/05/2023
lecturer: Mr. Hatsuhisa Takashima
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KIP March Event
"The Challenge of Biotechnology and Genome Editing in the Medical Field"
date: 18/03/2023
lecturer: Mr. Ken Yasaka, a doctor at Tohoku University and a KIP Alumni
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January KIP Forum
"Islam and Civil Society"
date: 14/01/2023
lecturer: Mr. Mitsuo Nakamura, Professor Emeritus, Chiba University
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December KIP Forum
"KIP Discussion Forum Ukrainian students & Japanese students"
date: 18/12/2022
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November KIP Forum
"The U.S. – Japan bilateral relationship in Space: The most important in the world"
date: 26/11/2022
lecturer: Mr. Garvey McIntosh
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October KIP Forum
"The Kishida Administration's Policy Priorities -Centering in on Foreign Policy"
date: 15/10/2022
lecturer: Mr. Noriyuki Shikata
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August KIP Forum
date: 20/8/2022
lecturer: Dr. Sergiy Korsunsky
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July KIP Forum
"Japan-Asia relations-"
Discussion theme: A discussion was held on the topic, "Should Japan be or can Japan be a leader in Asia?
date: 9/7/2022
lecturer: Ms. Suvendrini Kakuchi
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June KIP Forum
"Supporting Yourself and Society 50 Years from Now -The structure of the public pension system and how to prepare for your future as an individual-"
Discussion theme: "Should the current public pension contributions be reduced or maintained? If reduced, how would it compensate for the reduction in social security revenues?"
date: 18/6/2022
lecturer: Mr. Ryohei Suzuki
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May KIP Forum
"As a company who supports the further development of Japan (History of Japan National Railways and JR-Central, and The Linear Central Line)"
Discussion theme: JR-Central's Central Japan Shinkansen Line policy has the aspect of encouraging population concentration, but what are the merits and demerits of population concentration when considering the future of Japan?
date: 14/5/2022
lecturer: Mr. Koji Kumekawa
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April KIP Forum
"Sustainable living- Sustainable and Decarbonized Communities and Lifestyles"
Discussion theme: How to promote 1.5-Degree Lifestyles toward sustainable living
date: 23/4/2022
lecturer: Mr. Hironori Hamanaka
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