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Oct.18.2014 KIP Forum "Working in England and thinking about the ideal future for Japanese society"

Mr.Shikata said, it is vital to increase Japanese People's international competitiveness. London is a political, economic and cultural center and it maintains its international competitive with its strength of brand. On the other hand, in Japan, the current English education system has been extended and people might face more outwardly than ever before. In order to take initiative and get engaged in rulemaking and communication, it is necessary to be people who match international society and also strengthen of human resource development. I realized that the technologies of Japanese have been highly evaluated, but Japanese people should have an excellent command of English as a tool. By doing this, Japan might get its appearance great in Asian-Pacific region and international community.
After his lecture, we had a discussion session. We did discuss a policy, how to adequately provide information to the public on Japan's fundamental stance and philosophy. Our group focused on person, Not only the government and Media, but also one person can be an actor to send information. Japanese people create its culture and habits. Therefore, we thought it is essential to have a consciousness of being part of those, so that we can enhance the general level of individual performance in Japan. (Yumie Sano)