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2013.10.31 KIP Forum "the broadcasting ability of Japan"
By Mr. Hatsuhisa Takashima, Japan International Broadcasting Inc. Special Adviser

We invited Hatsuhisa Takashima, who was a chief commentator at NHK, a spokesperson at Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and a CEO of Japan International Broadcasting Inc.. He gave us a lecture about "information transmission capacity by Japan."
How can you make people listen to your speech carefully? Through this KIP forum, I found that it is necessary to make them listen it. When you inform to others, one of the key points is to understand what kind of culture or rule listener share with in the forum. Mr. Takashima showed us the IOC meeting, which decided Tokyo as the place of Olympic in 2020, as an example. Modest speech like Japanese style does not work well there. That is because the meeting respects rather the West, Europe culture than East, Japanese one. So you have to have a confidence and to make a powerful speech there. In the meeting, you also need to use English or French there as much as possible. Whether you are worse these language, the listeners pay attention more to your speech than using other languages. On the other hand, when you make a speech to Japanese, it is necessary to respect Japanese culture. If you make it with the Western style, Japanese listeners will not care your speech. (Yoji Nakamichi)