2020 KIP Project “A Role of Sending the Messages and A Responsibility of Communicating with People about Natural Disasters.”
We are conducting 2020 KIP project with the theme of “A Role of Sending the Messages and A Responsibility of Communicating with People about Natural Disasters.”. We did some research to get knowkedge of how people get information or rumor and spread them when natural disaster occurs, and try to find out an effective ways to ease reputational damage.
【#thinking of you】
We are doing campaign based on what we have learned through this project. For more details
The member of this project includes university studendents, research students and working people. We are 15 in all, and advanicing our research by holding meetings twice a month.
【the KIP2020 Survey】
The KIP2020 Project team conducted "Survey on Youth Attitude toward Reputational Damage", and got 1055 answers from university students and young working people. Thank you for your cooperation!
【Interview Report】
On August 31st, we interviewed Mr. Fumio Hatakeyama, who was the secretary of Heisei-no-mori evacuation center and later worked as the chairman of Minamisanriku Heisei-no-mori Temporary Housing Association. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we could not visit him, but we interviewed online. He said that he was cheered by warm connection of neighbours and volunteers, but under the pandemic, it is difficult for us to stay connected with others and some people feel lonely. Moreover, he emphasized that it is important to think that a disaster occures whenever we do not think it does, and always ready for saving our and our families' lives.
【We interviewed Mr. Sato at KIP October Forum】
On October 17th, we heard what happend at Okawa elementary school where many children including his daughter lost their lives in the Great East Japan Earthquake at KIP October Forum.
We learned that those who live after the earthquake should never forget the memory and we have to apply the lessons in the experience.Also, he said we could not estimate when a disaster occured, so that we have to prepare for it and appreciate family and friends for being with us.
【Regional Study Trip in Kochi】
In mid-November, 8 out of 15 KIP Project members visited Kochi city, Susaki city of Kochi prefecture. We interacted with local fishers, and learned that they succueeded in introducing the Internet commerce and their think about the coming Nankai Trough Earthquake.(photo1,2)